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  • Engage. Think. Act

    Engage. Think. Act Engage. Think. Act Engage. Think. Act Engage. Think. Act

Our Board

Our Board of Directors was established to represent a broad cross-section of the community. Their respective expertise, along with their influence in the community, provides leap with the foundation needed to be a successful non-profit organization.

Board of Directors

Mr. Edward Sanders – Chairman
Bridge Street

Mr. Byron Reed
Wells Fargo

Ms. Tami Leary
DS Services of America

Mr. Baron Farwell
All City Management Services

Advisory Board

Mr. John Bryant
Operation Hope

Mr. Rickey Ivie
Ivie, McNeill and Wyatt

Dr. Alan Nager
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Ms. Jan Perry
General Manager
Economic & Workforce Development Department, City of Los Angeles

Mr. Michael Harriel
Public Affairs Management
So Cal Gas Co.

Dr. Floria Trimble
Principal (ret.)
Los Angeles Unified School District